here's a little sampler of what i've currently got going on in my shop.
During the waxing moon i was highly productive, coming up with new creative and marketing ideas - you could hardly tear me away from my bench. My lover was practically demanding that I put down the dremel and come to bed, lol.
Now, it's definitely a waning moon. I am eying a custom resizing job made of nearly-microscopic silver beads that i just... really don't want to do, lol. The necklace was a 21" inch, six-strand necklace comprised of these beads. Its owner wanted the necklace resized to 18", with earrings constructed from the leftover beads.
It's taking me forever to do this, and it's been ages since i've constructed anything jewelry-wise that's required tiny beads, thread and a needle. I'll be very proud of this when I'm finished, I'm sure, but in the meantime, I'm going cross-eyed.
By the way, you will notice links on this blog here and there that take you to Amazon listings. We'll link the books we're reading as well as some others that follow our theme. Any Amazon purchase you make through us will help us raise money to place advertising, donate to charities and show our amazing creativity to the outside world!