We are a team of people with shops on Etsy.com who walk similar alternative spiritual paths, focusing our beliefs in the world of Nature. Our team membership encompasses different Goddess-based traditions, as well as Taoism, Buddhism and similar paths. Our shops are as diverse as our membership. We are not limited to selling only items representing our spiritual path, but also create to make your everyday world a better and more interesting place.

Friday, May 15, 2009


I know it's been forever since I posted here, and I apologize!
I took the Winter off from my businesses, and never quite got back to blogging, either.

Allot has happened, and I'll catch you up on that a bit later. I'm planning on moving later this Summer, and the house needs to be painted before it goes on the market. I've had to pack the studio up, so we can get to the walls.
However, today I need to tell you about a huge sale I'm having on the items left in my jewelry and art shop, Avalon Adornments, on Etsy. I don't want to have to pack up all the jewelry and things I have listed in my shop. I've reduced prices, and some items are slashed more than 50%.
check it and get some beautiful jewelry at great prices! Even Tim's hand-forged knives are on sale! he knocked $25.00 off the price of each one!
Thanks for shopping!

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